The Power Our Words Have

 Sometimes we don't realise the power of our words. Every day I am reminded of how powerful words are. Whether it's by reading the news or by observing the people in my day-to-day life. Many people come to me with their problems, to take advice or just to share them with me, and many of them always tell me how important and valuable I am to them. Now, this is not a brag here, what I am trying to convey is that your words have an impact. And using them carefully is your responsibility.

You can encourage someone with your words or you can break someone with your words, so before you say something, think about how it'll make YOU feel if someone says it to you. Being kind doesn't do any harm to you, but being unkind could damage someone to the extent that they'll find their lives worthless. So be kind and careful with your words.


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